‘Spacey, Quirky and Fuzz’ | Interview with Butterfly Bulldozer

Heavy on riffs, explosive energy, and punk aesthetics.
There is barely nothing he doesn’t know. It’s the professor Tricks,
glocked glocked glocked glocked.
Read our discussion with the band below!”

Describe your sound in 3 words

OB-1: Spacey, Quirky and Fuzz

Can you delve deeper into the conceptualisation process behind Butterfly Bulldozer? How did the idea of combining space travel, post-punk, and psychedelic sounds come about, and what inspired the narrative surrounding the crew and the creation of the Butterfly Bulldozer spaceship?

OB-1: At first, the band was a side project for all of us; we just wanted to play together something raw/effective, and then the idea of being a space crew/playing on stage with spacesuits grew. Life went on, the band became our main project, our music influences moved too (from Psych Rock to Post-Punk), and we finally found the band name (which is also the name of our spaceship, so yeah).
The storytelling was written by Captain Fuzz, mainly through the song lyrics he wrote at first, and then the general idea came along. He wrote the space crew’s story in a way that echoes some real-life events, and the characters are inspired by ourselves.

Pr. Tricks : Also, we thought that talking about space travel is a good way to get no limit on the musical composition. Like if we meet alien ducks in space, what would they sound like? We love the technical approach of the sound, so it’s also a good challenge to tell the story we relate with sounds and limited stuff.

Captain Fuzz: The goal is to feel inside of the Butterfly Bulldozer by playing our music. It’s fun to imagine fast riffs as an emergency for everything and soft touches to feel warm far from Earth.

What’s more important? The song, or heaviness.

OB-1: The song

Pr. Tricks: The song for sure.

Give us a riff you wish you had composed yourselves.

OB-1: The Psychotic Monks – It’s Gone

Pr. Tricks: Stuck – Ceiling

The story mentions the decline of humanity due to the emergence of humano-droids with fragmented consciousness. How does this futuristic and dystopian theme align with the sonic elements of post-punk and psychedelia, and what emotions or ideas do you aim to evoke through this juxtaposition?

Pr. Tricks: The psychedelic parts of our songs relate a lot with the idea we have of space. For the post-punk parts, we guess it’s not about singing but just talking, and we sometimes use that since it’s a good way to tell a story (for example, at the end of our track ROCKET).

OB-1: I think psychedelic music, in general, is a great way to share topics related to the unknown and the future, and post-punk drives more emotions like anger, which can be linked to dystopian themes.

Artists and people that have influenced you?

OB-1: Squid, Shame, IDLES, KG&LW

Pr. Tricks: Also Thee Oh Sees and KEG.

If the music of Butterfly Bulldozer was a film, which film would that be?

OB-1: Star Trek

Pr. Tricks : If Futurama was a movie, it would be this one I guess.

What is your advice to humanity?

Zarkor : ⏁⏃☍⟒ ☊⏃⍀⟒ ⍜⎎ ⟒⏃⍀⏁⊑

Pr. Tricks: Yes, we found him after leaving.

Thank you!

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