‘Banshee love songs’ | Interview with Ghost Wounds

In anticipation of their upcoming EP titled “Slow Apocalypse,” Ghost Wounds are showcasing “Fate of Lust,” a guitar riff-centric track with a post-grunge feel. Dive in!

Describe your sound in 3 words

Banshee love songs

Tell us a few things about Fate of Lust. What is the main idea behind it?

The main idea behind Fate of Lust is that lust, as opposed to love, usually doesn’t end well (although love doesn’t always end well, either). When you lust after someone, you typically put yourself in too vulnerable of a position, which tends to lead to the personal devastation described in the song. Real love, by contrast, is more of a two-way street (although you can certainly be burned by love, as well).

Your most honest and personal lyric?

“An old friend came back in my life today, weak-willed and withering, I’m gonna meet its needs” from “Force/Quit.” We haven’t recorded this song yet, but hopefully soon.

Artists and people that have influenced you?

We all have separate influences, but I’d say the artists that have most influenced us as a band are Sonic Youth, Fugazi, Slint, June of 44, Drive Like Jehu, Nirvana, and lots more.

A guitar riff you would pay to hear for the first time again?

Wow, that’s tough. I’d have to say the opening riff from Jane’s Addiction’s “Stop.”

Should music as a form of art always challenge the listener?

I don’t think it always has to. Sometimes people want music that is familiar and comfortable to them and there’s nothing wrong with that. But I think music tends to be better when it does challenge the listener.

If the music of Ghost Wounds was a film, which film would that be?

Hmm, I don’t know. Maybe a cross between Eraserhead, Airheads, and Brazil?

What isn’t a crime but should be?

How low the minimum wage is

Thank you!

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